Longitudinal and Seasonal Changes in Functional Organization of Macroinvertebrate Communities in Four Oregon Streams

Relative numerical dominance and densities of invertebrate functional feeding groups are compared with longitudinal and seasonal changes in food resources in a Cascade Range stream system in Oregon. We also compare our data with hypothetical predictions of the River Continuum model. We found that both relative abundances and densities of functional groups fit qualitative characterization of stream reaches and the River Continuum model: Shredders dominated upper shaded reaches; scrapers were most important in intermediate—sized sections; collectors increased in importance progressively downstream; predators were nearly constant in relative abundance at all sections; other functional groups were either rare or only locally abundant. Seasonal shifts also occurred but were not as dramatic as longitudinal differences. Correlation analyses between quantitative measures of food sources and functional group abundance were usually significant. Lack of significance for some correlations is likely due to inaccurate characterization of food availability, but small size and improper classification of species' feeding behavior also may be important. In addition, invertebrate densities and food standing crop are static parameters and only approximately reflect the dynamics of consumer production and food availability.