Hyperuricemia in Hyperparathyroidism

HYPERURICEMIA has been reported to occur in a wide variety of metabolic abnormalities. The demonstration of elevated serum uric acid levels in such diverse pathologic states as acromegaly,1 myxedema,2 hypoparathyroidism,3 pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism,4 diabetes mellitus5 and essential hypercholesterolemia6 defies a common physiologic explanation. Our recent experiences with hyperparathyroid subjects suggests that the association of hyperuricemia and functioning parathyroid adenomas is not infrequent. The further demonstration of a surprising incidence of gout in these subjects bears emphasis. It is the purpose of this paper to report the incidence of these combined abnormalities in a small group of patients, the effect of removal of . . .

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