Investigation on the origin of the definitive endoderm in the rat embryo

Single germ layers (or combinations of two of them) were isolated from the primitive streak and the head-fold stage rat embryos and grown for 15 days under the kidney capsule of syngeneic adult animals. The resulting teratomas were examined histologically for the presence of mature tissues, with special emphasis on derivatives of the primitive gut. Ectoderm isolated together with the initial mesodermal wings at the primitive streak stage gave rise to tissue derivatives of all three definitive germ layers. Derivatives of the primitive gut were regularly present in these grafts. At the head-fold stage, isolated ectoderm (including the region of the primitive streak) differentiated into ectodermal and mesodermal derivatives only. Endoderm isolated at the primitive streak stage did not develop when grafted and was always completely resorbed. At the head-fold stage, however, definitive endoderm differentiated into derivatives of the primitive gut if grafted together with adjacent mesoderm. These findings indirectly suggest the migration of prospective endodermal cells from the primitive ectoderm, and therefore a general analogy with the course of events during gastrulation in the chick blastoderm.