It was possible to isolate retractile spores of Bacillus megaterium from a calcium dipicolinate germination solution that were activated and would germinate spontaneously in distilled water. Some of the characteristics of the initial phases of bacterial spore germination were determined by studying those unstable activated spores. Activated spores of B. megaterium were resistant to stains and possessed a heat resistance intermediate between that of dormant and of germinated spores. The spontaneous germination of activated spores was inhibited by copper, iron, silver, or mercury salts, saturated o-phenanthroline or solutions having a low pH value, but not by many common inhibitiors. These inhibitions could be partially or completely reversed by the addition of sodium dipicolinate. The activated spores could be deactivated and made similar to dormant spores by treatment with acid. Analyses of the exudates from the variously treated spore suspensions revealed that whatever inhibited the germination of activated spores also inhibited the release of spore material. The composition of the germination exudates was different than that of extracts of dormant spores. Alhtough heavy suspensions of activated spores gradually became swollen and dark when suspended in solutions of o-phenanthroline or at pH 4, the materials released resembled those found in extracts of dormant spores rather than those of normal germination exudates.