Seven excited states of Os188 populated through the beta decay of Re188 have been studied by gamma–gamma angular correlation experiments. The data for the various cascades fit the following theoretical functions: (all gamma-ray energies are in kev and the description following each cascade refers to the first transition) 478–155 (2–2–0, 99.7% E2, δ +ve), 931–155 (0–2–0), 672–633 (2–2–0), 97% M1, δ −ve or 3–2–0, 94% M1, δ −ve or conceivably 4–2–0), 828–633 (2–2–0, 98% M1, δ −ve or conceivably 3–2–0, 80% M1, δ −ve), 1132–633 (0–2–0), and 1308–633 (2–2–0, 98% M1, δ −ve). Some attenuation occurred in the correlations involving the 155-kev gamma ray. The K-conversion coefficients for the 478- and 633-kev transitions have been measured as 0.023 ± 0.003 and 0.010 ± 0.002 respectively, confirming the E2 character for these transitions obtained by angular correlation. These results, coupled with data concerning log ft values and gamma-ray intensities, lead to the following spin and parity assignments for levels in Os188: 155 (2+), 633 (2+), 1086 (0+), 1306 (2+ or 3+), 1461 (2+), 1765 (0+), 1941 (2+), and 1958 (1+ or 2+).The 631–137 correlation data in Os186 was found to fit an attenuated 2–2–0 function with the first transition 99% E2 and δ −ve. This result supports the established decay scheme for this nucleus.