The Nuclear Magnetic Moments of N14, Na23, K39 and Cs133

The nuclear gyromagnetic ratios of N14, Na23, K39 and Cs133 have been measured by the molecular beam magnetic resonance method. The values of the nuclear magnetic moments, obtained from these measurements and the known spins, are 0.402, 2.216, 0.391 and 2.572 nuclear magnetons for N14, Na23, K39 and Cs133, respectively. The shape of the resonance curves in some cases indicates a type of interaction of the nucleus with the rest of the molecule which may arise from the nuclear electric quadrupole moment. It is of interest to note that for the case of the alkali nuclei the magnetic moments calculated from the observed hyperfine splitting of atomic energy states by use of the Goudsmit, Fermi-Segrè formula agree fairly well with the results here given.