ATP Citrate (pro-3S)-Lyase in the Rat; Two-Step Purification Procedure, Properties, Organ Distribution

A simple 2-step procedure is described for the purification of rat liver ATP citrate lyase with an overall yield of up to 70%. In binding experiments on Blue Sepharose CL-6B (an affinity gel for nucleotide-specific enzymes) it is observed that ATP citrate lyase recognizes ATP and CoA as well as ADP, 3''-AMP, and NADP, but not 5''-AMP, NAD, or adenosine. ATP citrate lyase is activated by various anions including chloride, hydrogen carbonate and acetate. The highest specific activity of the enzyme is found in adipose tissue of various origins. Activities are also present in the adrenals, liver, intestine, brain and lung. No measurable enzyme activity is found in heart, skeletal muscle or kidneys.