The location and distribution of the sinu-vertebral nerve in the cervical spine was studied by carefully establishing the areas of referred pain resulting from blind and direct stimulation of the disks. This nerve is sensory to the ligaments, joints of the cervical spine and toe intervertebral disks and becomes involved in trauma to toe cervical spine. In toe present study it is postulated that toe receptors of this sensory nerve are located throughout the annulus fibrosis of toe disk. A nerve from each side passes around the disk, supplying half of it, and terminal fibres extend a short distance across toe midline and decussate with those of toe opposite side. Terminal fibres probably also enter toe anterior longitudinal ligament. Apparently the nerve then courses around toe disk to toe posterior surface. The pain impulse is either routed through a segmental reflex arc or, due to stimulation of sensory endings in toe muscle, through sensory pathways to toe cerebral centers for pain.