The dominant C57BL/10 allele of a single, autosomal, non-H-2 gene (Rfv-3) was required for recovery from viremia and leukemia induced by Friend virus [FV] complex in H-2b/b mice. In H-2a/a mice, the Rfv-3 gene apparently influenced recovery from viremia in the presence of persistent leukemia because these mice lacked the appropriate H-2 genotype for recovery from leukemia. The Rfv-3 gene was distinct from the Fv-2 gene because recovery from viremia was seen in recombinant-inbred mice with the Fv-2s/s genotype. Backcross studies indicated that Rfv-3 and Fv-2 were not linked. The Rfv-3 gene may act by influencing the specific anti-FV humoral antibody response.