An attempt was made in a recent communication (1) to propound a theory in connection with the digestion of cellulose in the ruminant organism which should be compatible with Kellner's findings as to the value of digestible fibre in the fattening of ruminants. It was shown that the generally accepted theory, that cellulose is digested by bacterial agency in the rumen with the production of organic acids and gaseous products, such as methane, hydrogen and carbon dioxide, failed entirely to account for the equal values of digestible fibre and starch for fat production in the ruminant animal. This could only be explained by assuming that glucose (or some other sugar capable of hydrolysis to glucose) was formed as a primary product of the action of bacteria on cellulose, and that, as with digestible carbohydrates originally present in the food, only about 8 per cent, of the sugar so formed underwent further bacterial breakdown into organic acids and gases, the remainder being available for absorption into the organism in the form of glucose. On this assumption, it would follow that every gram of fibre so digested would yield to the organism as much glucose as would a gram of starch, and in this way Kellner's practical finding would be capable of explanation.

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