Chromosome studies in thyroid neoplasia

Cytogenetic studies in thyroid neoplasia were performed by G-banding of chromosome preparations obtained from the in vitro cultures of nine adenomas, one follicular carcinoma, five papillary carcinomas, and two medullary carcinomas. Complex structural chromosome aberrations were found in one adenoma. Two more adenomas, both composed of Hürthle cells, showed multiple numerical chromosome deviations with trisomy 4 and tetrasomy 7 in common. Six metastasizing carcinomas were characterized by normal stemlines, which indicates that malignancy in thyroid neoplasia cannot be excluded by cytogenetic techniques used currently. Comparisons between cytogenetic findings and cytophotometric DNA measurements in the material studied illustrate that euploid tumors represent a heterogenous group including cases with various gross structural chromosome aberrations of yet unknown clinical significance. Further studies of additional material with long-term follow-up are called for by our findings of structural and numerical chromosome aberrations in follicular neoplasms that are benign according to histologic criteria.