Calcium containing particles in mitochondria of heart muscle cells as shown by cryo-ultramicrotomy and X-ray microanalysis

Mitochondria of normal myocardial cells of the sand rat and the mouse as well as of the left ventricle of man, have been examined for their content of calcium. Ultrahistochemistry and X-ray microanalysis revealed two basically different inclusions: Osmiophilic mitochondrial granules and Spherical mitochondrial particles. Osmiophilic mitochondrial granules were found in conventionally fixed and plastic embedded tissues as well as in cryosections of chemically fixed and sucrose infused tissues. Such granules lacked inert electron density and probably consisted mainly of unsaturated lipids. X-ray spectra obtained from these tissues revealed no peaks for calcium. Spherical mitochondrial particles were present in dry-cut cryo-sections of N2-frozen tissues not treated by fixatives and/or cryoprotectants. These particles were deeply electron dense in unstained, freeze-dried cryo-sections. They usually measured from 600Å–900Å in diameter in the normal myocardium of the sand rat and the mouse and from 250 Å–400Å in diameter in the left ventricular myocardium of man. Significant calcium peaks could be identified in the X-ray spectra of these particles, whereas none occurred in the analyses of other tissue regions. Potassium was detected with about equal frequency in the particles and in other parts of the tissue. On the basis of the inert electron density of the particles and their absence in chemically fixed tissues as well as of the results of the X-ray analysis, it is concluded that they contain precipitates of extremely labile ions of mitochondrial calcium.