Antiferromagnetism in the Face-Centered Cubic Lattice. III.α-MnS

Alpha MnS is a face-centered cubic antiferromagnet which exhibits the same ferromagnetic-layer spin arrangement which is found in MnO. The Mn55 zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has been observed in the antiferromagnetic state of α-MnS and, from the temperature dependence of the resonance frequency, information is derived regarding the spin deviation as a function of temperature. The so-called anomalous temperature dependence of sublattice magnetization which has been reported for MnO is found to be essentially absent in α-MnS. The general question of the incorporation of biquadratic exchange terms j(Si·Sj)2 into molecular-field and spin-wave theories of magnetism is discussed, and a simple spin-wave theory is developed for α-MnS which includes both bilinear and biquadratic exchange interactions between nearest and next-nearest neighbors (J1, j1; J2, j2) as well as both isotropic and anisotropic magnetostrictive terms. The spin deviation is found to be an extremely sensitive function of j1 and of distortion (anisotropic magnetostriction), but is relatively insensitive to j2 and isotropic magnetostriction. The bilinear exchange interactions are estimated by using Lines' Green's-function theory to describe the paramagnetic properties of α-MnS, for which we find values J1=7°K and J2=12.5°K. Comparison of theory with experiment for the temperature dependence of spin deviation allows an upper limit to be placed upon the magnitude of j1. The ratio j1J1 is found to be less than 103, which is at least an order of magnitude smaller than any previous estimates made for Mn2+ interactions.