Autoradiographic and biochemical analysis of photoreceptor membrane renewal inOctopus retina

Using autoradiographic and biochemical methods, we have demonstrated the renewal of light-sensitive membranes and photopigments inOctopus visual cells. After the injection ofOctopus with [3H]leucine, electron microscope autoradiography revealed an intracellular pathway similar to that in vertebrates for the synthesis and transport of nascent protein from the inner segments to the rhabdomes. However, migration of labelled protein from synthetic sites to the light-sensitive rhabdomes took longer inOctopus than the equivalent process in vertebrates. Biochemical analysis of [3H]leucine-labelled retinas identified some of the labelled protein observed in autoradiographs of the rhabdomes as the visual pigment, rhodopsin. We have shown that retinochrome, a second photopigment in cephalopod retinas, is also renewed. Biochemical analysis 8 h after injection of [3H]leucine revealed heavy labelling of this photoprotein. Light microscope autoradiography ofOctopus retina 8 h after injection of [3H]retinol showed labelling of both the rhabdomes and the myeloid bodies of the inner segments. Biochemical data gathered 8 h after injection of [3H]retrnol indicated chromophore addition to both rhodopsin and retinochrome with retinochrome being more heavily labelled than rhodopsin. Thus, silver grains observed over the rhabdomes and inner segments could arise from one or both photopigments. These data suggest that retinal is stored in the myeloid bodies of the photoreceptor inner segments. Retinal could then be transferred, perhaps via retinochrome, to newly synthesized opsin before the visual pigment is assembled into new rhabdomeric membranes. Alternatively, retinochrome may serve to transport retinal from the myeloid bodies to the rhabdomes to regenerate rhodopsin as previously proposed.