Prevention ofHaemophilus influenzaeType b Infections in High-Risk Infants Treated with Bacterial Polysaccharide Immune Globulin

Apache Indian infants have a high frequency of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) and pneumococcal infections. Forty percent of Hib infections in these infants occur before the age of six months, when active immunization may not be protective. To evaluate the efficacy of passive immunization with a human hyperimmune globulin (bacterial polysaccharide immune globulin [BPIG]) prepared from the plasma of immunized adult donors, we randomly assigned 703 infants in a double-blind fashion to receive 0.5 ml of BPIG per kilogram of body weight (n = 353) or 0.5 ml of saline (n = 350) intramuscularly at 2, 6, and 10 months of age.