Enzymatic Activities and Glutathione Content of Erythrocytes in the Newborn: Comparison with Red Cells of Older Normal Subjects and those with Comparable Reticulocytosis

20 enzymatic activities and the glutathione content of newborn erythrocytes are compared (a) to normal and (b) to comparably reticulocyte-rich nonneonatal red cells. Six were very high in comparison to either control group (GSH, PGK, Enol., G-3-PD, GPI, G-6-PD). Five were very low (ACHE, RPK, GSH-Px, AK and PFK). The mean of the remainder differed from the mean of comparably reticulocyte-rich blood by less than 1 SD of the latter mean. Cord erythrocytes exhibit a characteristic metabolic pattern not explained by a young mean cell age alone.