Transfer of apiose from UDP‐apiose to 7‐O‐(β‐D‐glucosyl)‐apigenin and 7‐O‐(β‐D‐glucosyl)‐chrysoeriol with an enzyme preparation from parsley

An enzyme preparation from parsley (Petroselinum hortense Hoffm.) catalyses the formation of apiin (7-O-[β-D-apio-furanosyl(1→2)β-D-glycosyl]-5,7,4′-trihydroxyflavone) from 7-O-(β-D-glycosyl)-apigenin and UDP-apiose and of the corresponding chrysoeriol-7-apiosyl-glucoside from 7-O(β-D-glucosyl)-chrysoeriol and UDP-apiose. Neither free apiose nor cyclic apiose-1,2-phosphate can function as a substrate for the transfer reaction.

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