Chicken tissue binding sites for a purified chicken lectin

A lactose-binding lectin previously purified from embryonic chicken muscle and adult chicken liver, and here referred to as chicken-lactose-lectin-I (CLL-I), was added to sections of various adult chicken tissues to detect available binding sites. Both the sites of binding of added CLL-I as well as the tissue distribution of endogenous CLL-I were determined by indirect immunofluorescence using a rabbit antibody to CLL-I followed by fluorescent goat anti-rabbit IgG. Some tissues such as intestine and kidney showed abundant extracellular binding sites for the lectin, primarily between cells, in basement membrane, and in material on the luminal surface. In contrast, adult heart showed no significant binding sites for CLL-I. Adult pancreas showed considerable endogenous CLL-I in an extracellular site surrounding exocrine lobules, but added CLL-I did not bind substantially. The distribution of CLL-I binding sites in intestine were mimicked by those of purpurin, another lactose-binding lectin. CLL-I binding sites were also detected on the surface of cultured chick embryo skin fibroblasts. The factors controlling the specific distribution of occupied and unoccupied CLL-I binding sites are not known.