Far-Infrared Stark and Zeeman Splitting of Pr3+, Nd3+, Er3+, Ho3+, and Dy3+ in Some Lanthanide Fluorides

The Zeeman effect has been studied in several rare-earth ions imbedded in lanthanide fluorides. A special cryostat has been constructed with two liquid-helium tanks. One, at 4 K, contains a superconducting coil giving magnetic fields as high as 60 kOe. The other, at 1.3 K, contains a Ge:Ga bolometer to detect far-infrared radiation. Large splittings, as high as 30 cm1, have been observed with Nd3+, Er3+, and Dy3+ where the ground state is a Kramers doublet. For Pr3+ and Ho3+, which do not give Kramers doublets, the effect of a magnetic field is not so significant. The effect is negligible for Pr3+. For Ho3+, a 3-cm1 shift and a line broadening are observed. On the other hand, whereas the spectra of NaF3: Nd3+ and NdF3 are very similar, for PrF3 a pair of ions seems to be present and gives twice as many electronic lines compared to NaF3: Pr3+. Localized modes are observed close to 73 cm1 for both Er3+ and Dy3+, while an absorption band is observed at 64 cm1 for Dy3+ which seems to be slightly sensitive to the magnetic field and has still to be explained. An average spectroscopic g value for the ground-state and first-excited-state Kramers doublet has been calculated for Nd3+, ER3+, and Dy3+. For the ground-state Kramers doublet, these values are well within the limits of the reported g tensor based upon ESR. For the first-excited-state Kramers doublet the determinations are, respectively, g2=1.7, 3.6, and 11.5 and they constitute new data.