Coexistence curve, compressibility, and the equation of state of xenon near the critical point

Optical interferometric measurements which determine the equation of state of xenon in the neighborhood of the critical point are described. Analysis of Fraunhofer interference patterns from a thin slab of fluid yields data pairs: optical phase ψ+=ρκTμ and isothermal compressibility κT, along isotherms in the temperature range 104<ε<104, where ε=(TTc)Tc. Experimental data are analyzed in terms of a new parametric transformation of thermodynamic variables, based on the static scaling hypothesis of Widom, which requires that dlnψ+dlnκT=(βγ)W(θ), where θ=εκT1γ. On the critical isotherm, ε=0, we expect that lnψ+=const(βγ)lnκT. This accords with observation and yields a sharp determination of Tc which is decoupled from other parameters. The data are well represented by the bilinear form W(θ)=(1θθx)(1θθ0) where θ=θ0 on the critical isochore and θx on the coexistence boundary. This is integrated to yield the parametric equation of state ψ+=Y0βRβ(1θθ0)βΔ, where R=κT1γ. A six-parameter fit to 1200 data points yields Tc=Tc(lab)±0.0001°C, β=0.3583±0.0002, γ=1.2296±0.0005, θ0=0.1101±0.0003, Y0β=0.4203±0.0004, and Δ=3.869±0.001. This implies βΔ=1.386±0.001, which differs significantly from the value βΔ=32 implied by a five-parameter transformation suggested by Ho and Litster. The coexistence curve is measured in the range 105<|ε|<5×102, and fitted by the power law (ρLρGρc=B(ε)β, with the result β=0.344±0.003 and B=3.51±0.05. Systematic deviations indicate that β increases for large |ε|. A fit with the form (ρLρG)ρc=B(ε)β+A(ε)β yields significant improvement, with β=0.332±0.001, B=3.042±0.03, β=0.61±0.02, and A=0.93±0.04. The disagreement between this β and the β obtained from fitting the Fraunhofer data will be discussed in the text. The coefficient of isothermal compressibility on the critical isochore PcKT is measured in the range 2.7×105<ε<4×102, and fitted by the equation κT=PcKT=Γεγ. Over the measured range, the data indicate γ=1.260±0.002 and Γ=0.056±0.001. There is evidence that γ depends on the range of fit, and we find γ=1.232±0.006 for ε<103, which agrees well with the γ determined from the near-critical Fraunhofer data.