An attempt is made to present a consistent detailed theory of optical phenomena, based on the suggestion recently made by the author in collaboration with Bohr and Kramers. This suggestion is that atoms are radiating or absorbing continuously, during their stationary states, and that transitions influence radiation only in terminating the radiation characteristic of the old state, and substituting that of the new. The atoms, on the other hand, are supposed not to change their energy while radiating, but to change it discontinuously on transition. This necessitates giving up the detailed application of the conservation of energy in interaction between atoms and radiation. In the present paper, an additional suggestion is made, namely that resonance radiation is to be identified with the radiation carried out by the spherical wavelets which, by their interference with the external field, also produce absorption. This is practically a return to the classical picture of resonance radiation. Statement of the theory consists formally of two parts: the description of the behavior of atoms, and of radiation, when the two interact. The first involves the statement of the probabilities of transition of atoms, and is taken without change from Einstein. The probability of interruption of coherent vibrations is also discussed. The second requires the specification of the fields emitted by atoms in any steady state under the influence of any external field. These consist of spherical wavelets of the frequencies of the various quantum lines which the atom can emit or absorb in the stationary state in which it is. For emission frequencies, wavelets are emitted even in the absence of an external field; for absorption frequencies, external fields induce wavelets, similar to the wavelets of linearly bound electrons in electron theory, which on the one hand interfere with the external field to produce the phenomena of dispersion, etc., and on the other carry out the resonance radiation in all directions. Detailed descriptions of these fields are given. In a discussion of the theory, it is first shown that the assumptions which have been made about the field satisfy the correspondence principle, in that for large quantum numbers the field aproaches that which would be emitted classically on account of the interaction of an external field and a multiply periodic atom. On the other hand, it is shown that the field has a character essentially like that of classical electron theory, which is known to be in general agreement with experiments. Next, the energy and momentum relations at interaction of atoms and light are investigated, and it is shown that, although these quantities are not precisely conserved, still the assumptions as to atomic and radiation processes have been so made that they are conserved on an average over a great number of atomic processes. Finally the spectral resolution of emitted and absorbed radiation is considered; the theory gives a minimum breadth for the lines, depending on the finite length of wave trains resulting from the finite life in stationary states, and it is shown that Kirchhoff's law is obeyed, the emission and absorption lines being of the same breadth. By way of illustration, specific application of the theory is made to the simple examples of emission of light by bombardment of electrons at the resonance potential, resonance radiation, its quenching by presence of foreign gases, absorption, scattering, and disperison.

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