Anomalous splitting of the F1u(→3Fu) vibrations in single-crystal C60 below the orientational-ordering transition

The reflectance of undoped single-crystal C60 has been measured from 100 to 1600 cm1 at high resolution above and below the orientational-ordering transition. All of the F1u modes allowed in the free molecule are observed in the solid at ≊526, 576, 1183, and 1430 cm1. Below the orientational-ordering transition, all the lines split into quartets, with the exception of the 576 cm1 line, which narrows and remains unsplit. The appearance of quartets is attributed to the possibility of triplet splitting of the F1u(->3Fu) modes due to the local crystal field in the low-temperature phase, as well as the perturbation of the local crystal field due to the merohedral disorder, that may lead to further line splitting.