Phase Transition of an Anisotropic Ferromagnet

The phase transition of an Ising Ferromagnet with uniaxial single ion anisotropy with spin one has been investigated extensively by Capel. Here we consider a similar but a more general system with anisotropic exchange interaction. The Hamiltonian can be written as H=D i (Siz)2− ij JijSizSjz− ij Kij(SixSjx+SiySjy) , where J, K, and D are positive parameters. We show that in addition to the more familiar phase transition from an ordered phase to the paramagnetic phase, as temperature is raised, a first‐order phase transition can occur. Depending upon the relative magnitude of D, J, and K, a phase transition from the ferromagnetic state with spin ordering along (perpendicular to) the z axis to a ferromagnetic state with spin ordering perpendicular to (along) the z axis can take place at a critical temperature lower than the Curie temperature where a transition to the paramagnetic phase occurs. The boundaries of the three phases have been calculated in the molecular field approximation.