A Preliminary Report on a Combined Gram-Pappen-Heim Stain for Formalin Fixed Tissues

Paraffin sections of tissue fixed in 10% formalin are stained 3-5 min. in a 1% solution of crystal violet in 10 parts of Clark and Lubs'' phosphate buffer of pH 6.6-7.0 and 90 parts distilled water. Decant, and flush with 2% I in N/10 NaOH. Decolorize in acetone 10 sec. Decant and quickly flush with counterstain 1-2 min. (2 parts 2% aqueous overethylated methyl green-National Aniline[long dash]with 1 part 0.3% aqueous pyronin yellowish). Wash in tap-water. Blot, but do not allow to dry; then immerse quickly in origanum oil for less than 1 min. Blot, and clear in 2 changes of bergamot oil. Blot, and mount in balsam.[long dash]Authors (courtesy Wistar Bibl. Serv.).