U, Th, and K distribution in a differentiated charnockite-granite intrusion and associated rocks from SW Sweden

The concentrations of U, Th, and K in a charnockite-alkali granite intrusive complex from SW Sweden and associated, partly charnockitized country rocks are presented. The charnockitic components have constant low U and Th levels throughout the compositional range with a mean Th/U ratio of 1.2 to 1.5. The transition from charnockite to granite is marked by a sharp increase in Th and U concentrations with mean Th/U ratios increasing to 3.4 4.4. However, the K concentration increases relatively smoothly with increasing acidity through the compositional range studied. Late shearing of the alkali granite led to significant Th depletion with little change in the U and K concentrations. Charnockitization of the country rock granite gneisses is marked by depletion in Th and K while the U content is almost unchanged. It is suggested that the behaviour of U and Th reflects the tendency for Th to associate with magma-dissolved water whilst U shows a greater affinity for coexisting free volatiles. In the absence of a significant free volatile phase during crystallization of this charnockite-granite suite, U was incorporated into primary mineral lattice sites whereas Th entered sites from which it could be liberated more easily.