Diet selection based on the level of proline in an insect's host plant has been observed for a number of phytophagous insects, but few studies have examined potential differences in feeding preferences between males and females. The level of proline among an insect's host plants, particularly in drought-stressed plants, can be highly variable and often is positively correlated with soluble nitrogen levels. Additionally, proline is known to participate in a number of physiological functions in insects. We tested the effect of proline as a feeding stimulant in reproductively active grasshoppers using the graminivorous Ageneotettix deorum and the generalist, but mostly graminivorous, Phoetaliotes nebrascensis. Feeding preference tests using diets with representative free amino acid and sucrose levels but varying proline levels (zero, normal and 3 x normal) were examined. The feeding preference exhibited by both species was sex-specific, although the sex-specific response was more pronounced in P. nebrascensis than in A. deorum. Females of both species displayed preferences for diets high in proline. Males of neither species exhibited a preference for proline when responses were averaged over all treatment levels. However, within specific treatment combinations, male A. deorum preferred diets with high proline over diets with zero proline. These results suggest that diet selection for specific nutrients may vary between males and females because of differences in their physiological status and, possibly, differences in the nutritional requirements associated with reproduction. These results also suggest that subtle shifts in the concentration of individual nutrients within an insect's host plant may greatly influence insect feeding patterns.