Activity of CMP-2-keto-3-deoxyoctulosonic acid synthetase in Escherichia coli strains expressing the capsular K5 polysaccharide implication for K5 polysaccharide biosynthesis

The activity of the cytoplasmic CMP-2-keto-3-deoxyoctulosonic acid synthetase (CMP-KDO synthetase), which is low in Escherichia coli rough strains such as E. coli K-12 and in uncapsulated strains such as E. coli O111, was significantly elevated in encapsulated E. coli O10:K5 and O18:K5. This enzyme activity was even higher in an E. coli clone expressing the K5 capsule. This and the following findings suggest a correlation between elevated CMP-KDO synthetase activity and the biosynthesis of the capsular K5 polysaccharide. (i) Expression of the K5 polysaccharide and elevated CMP-KDO synthetase activity were observed with bacteria grown at 37 degrees C but not with cells grown at 20 degrees C or below. (ii) The recovery kinetics of capsule expression of intact bacteria, in vitro K5 polysaccharide-synthesizing activity of bacteria, and CMP-KDO synthetase activity of bacteria after temperature upshift from 18 to 37 degrees C were the same. (iii) Chemicals which inhibit capsule (polysaccharide) expression also inhibited the elevation of CMP-KDO synthetase activity. The chromosomal location of the gene responsible for the elevation of this enzyme activity was narrowed down to the distal segment of the transport region of the K5 expression genes.