Cambrian of Westrogothia, Oland, etc.—The Cambrian Rocks are shown in several other localities in Scania. The basal sandstones (Lugnas or Eophyton sandstones) near the Baltic coast, near Delperöd. The Hardeberga sandstones (Fucoid Sandstone) are found wherever the Archæan is bared, as near Rostånga, Lund, Eljaröd, and Cimbrishavn. Sections of the Alum schists are rarer. The most perfect is that of Kiviks Esperöd on the Baltic, where the Coronatus Limestone or Exsulans horizon of the Parad. Tessini zone well developed. The identity between its palæontological sequence and that of Andrarum was demonstrated by Nathorst in 1876.