A Coupled Marine Ice-Stream – Ice-Shelf Model

Evidence as to the potential roles of marine ice flows in the dramatic climatological changes which have occurred from the late Pleistocene to the present is reviewed, indicating the need for careful modeling studies to evaluate several crucial hypotheses. A scale analysis of the flow of a marine ice stream coupled to a freely floating ice shelf is presented, in two dimensions and ignoring thermodynamic effects. With these limitations, the most important control of the dynamics of the ice stream is associated with first-order buoyancy effects related to the density contrast ∆ρ/ρwbetween ice and sea-water. It is shown that longitudinal stretching, arising from large gradients in basal sliding velocity, dominates shearing deformation provided the aspect ratio ω2« ∆ρ/ρw. The buoyancy control is established through the necessity of having continuously varying longitudinal strain-rates in the neighborhood of the grounding line.The scale analysis is the basis for derivation of a simplified model of a fast-flowing ice stream coupled to a freely floating ice shelf. The distance in the ice stream up-stream from the grounding line over which the above dynamic regime extends is estimated and found to be relatively insensitive to the basal sliding velocity and to the rheological constant of ice. A further potentially important feed-back mechanism between ice stream and ice shelf is associated with buoyancy corrections to the longitudinal deviatoric stress field.