Regeneration and Repair of Myelinated Fibers in Sural-Nerve Biopsy Specimens from Patients with Diabetic Neuropathy Treated with Sorbinil

There is reason to believe that diabetic neuropathy may be related to the accumulation of sorbitol in nerve tissue through an aldose reductase pathway from glucose. Short-term treatment with aldose reductase inhibitors improves nerve conduction in subjects with diabetes, but the effects of long-term treatment on the neuropathologic changes of diabetic neuropathy are unknown. To determine whether more prolonged aldose reductase inhibition reverses the underlying lesions that accompany symptomatic diabetic peripheral polyneuropathy, we performed a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial of the investigational aldose reductase inhibitor sorbinil (250 mg per day). Sural-nerve biopsy specimens obtained at base line and after one year from 16 diabetic patients with neuropathy were analyzed morphometrically in detail and compared with selected electrophysiologic and clinical indexes.