Kompetitive Inhibitoren der Nitratreduktion in zellfreien Extrakten ausBacillus cereusundPseudomonas aeruginosa

The reduction of nitrate by cell- free extracts of B. cereus and P. aernginoga is competitively inhibited by SCN[degree], OCN[degree], SeCN[degree], N3[degree], ReO4[degree] CIO3[degree] and CIO4[degree]. Nitrate reductase from B. cereus is inhibited competitively by bromate, non-competltively by iodate. In both systems, cyanide shows a mixed type of inhibition. Nitrate, chlorate, perchlorate and bromate are substrates of both nitrate reductases. The enzyme from Pseudomonas also reduces iodate. Perrhenate and cyanate are not substrates.