Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis

The last two decades have been an era of rapid progress in peptide research. This era was begun by the work of Sanger on the amino acid sequence determination of insulin and by du Vigneaud on the structure determination and synthesis of oxytocin. This period has seen impressive progress in the structure elucidation and synthesis of many peptides of natural origin and of great biological significance, as well as in methods for sequence determination and chemical synthesis of peptides [1–4]. Perfection of techniques and instruments for automatic determination of the amino acid sequence of peptides and proteins has made possible a greatly broadened understanding of genetics and evolution as well as the more chemical areas of mechanism of action of enzymes and hormones, and physical chemistry of peptides and proteins. Effective methods of peptide synthesis are crucial to progress in this area, because only by synthesis can adequate amounts of important peptides be made available for chemical, biological, and physical studies, as well as for exploration of the structure-function aspects of biological molecules. In general, progress in peptide synthesis has lagged far behind that in amino acid sequence determination. This is not surprising since effective peptide synthesis requires a very sophisticated system of selectively removable protecting groups for functions of the amino acids involved, and the synthesis of a large heteropolytner of defined sequence requires near perfection of each one of the many steps of the assembly. The classical approach to peptide synthesis, using standard organic chemical methods of synthesis and purification of intermediates, has yielded impressive results during these two decades. However, the special problems associated with the assembly of large molecules make staggering investments in time and materials necessary for the synthesis of large peptides or proteins by classical methods.