Identification of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae homolog of the SNF2 transcrioptional regulator in the DNA sequence of an 8·6 kb region in the LTE1‐CYS1 interval on the left arm of chormosome I

The DNA sequence of an 8·6 kb region of the left arm of chromosome I has been determined. This region, between the LTEL and CYS1 loci, is approximately 40 kb from centromere. There are six potential open‐reading frames (ORFs), Provisionally nemed YAL001‐006 within this fragment of chromosome I. Four of these ORFs can be aligned with Previously indentified FUN transcripts: FUN28 with YAL006, FUN29 with YAL004, FUN30 with YAL001 and FUN31 with YAL002. The YAL001 ORF shows significant homology to the SNF2 transcriptional regulator. A region of the DNA contains an extensive repeat of the bases C‐A‐T positioned in the 5′ terminus of the YAL004 promoter region.