MLC-derived human helper factor(s) that promote B cell differentiation: induction, functional characterization, and role of Ia antigens.

Utilizing a PFC assay to quantitate the polyclonal activation of human peripheral blood B lymphocytes, we have investigated the induction and functional activity of MLC-derived human helper factor(s). Our data demonstrate that highly purified responder T cells, but not B or null cells, are required for the elaboration of MLC helper factor(s) that trigger the in vitro differentiation of B lymphocytes into PFC. Helper factor can trigger B cell maturation in the absence of helper T cells, since complement- (C) mediated lysis of the small (less than 5%) fraction of T cells present in anti-F(ab)2 immunoabsorbent column purified B cell population eliminates the PWM induced, but not the helper factor-induced PFC response. Responder T cells required for helper factor production do not bear surface membrane Ia, since alpha p23,30 + C treatment of this population does not affect helper factor generation. In contrast, alpha p23,30 + C treatment of the allogeneic stimulator cell population eliminates helper factor production. Taken together, these results demonstrate that interaction between Ia-bearing stimulator cells and Ia- responder T cells is required for the production of MLC-derived helper factor. In additional experiments, we determined that alpha p23,30, in the absence of C, totally abrogates the PFC response triggered by MLC helper factors. This result suggests an important role for Ia antigens in the functional activity of preformed helper factor molecules.