Treatment of Iatrogenic Femoral Arterial Pseudoaneurysms: Comparison of US-guided Thrombin Injection with Compression Repair

To evaluate and compare the treatment of iatrogenic femoral arterial pseudoaneurysms by using ultrasonographically (US) guided direct thrombin injection with US-guided compression repair. Twenty-six patients with iatrogenic femoral arterial pseudoaneurysms were treated with direct thrombin injection. With US guidance, a 22-gauge needle was placed into the pseudoaneurysm flow lumen and thrombin (mean volume, 0.35 mL; range, 0.10-0.60 mL) was injected with continuous color Doppler US guidance. Demographics, clinical variables, pseudoaneurysm characteristics, and results in these patients were compared with those in 281 consecutive patients who underwent US-guided compression repair. The success rate of thrombin injection was 96% (25 of 26 patients), which was significantly higher than that of compression, 74% (209 of 281 patients) (P =.013). Twenty of 26 (77%) patients required a single injection, and six (23%) required two injections. Mean thrombosis time for thrombin injection was 6 seconds, compared with 41.5 minutes for compression. For thrombin injection, there were no complications, foot pulses did not change and no patients required conscious sedation. Follow-up US at 24 hours showed no recurrent pseudoaneurysms. For the treatment of iatrogenic femoral arterial pseudoaneurysms, thrombin injection with US guidance appears to be superior to compression repair.