1. The movements of sodium and potassium through the body and their exchanges between the body and the external medium have been studied in the larva of Aedes aegypti L. 2. Briefly, both elements enter the body via the anal gills, are excreted by the Malpighian tubules and can be absorbed from the tubule fluid in the rectum. When either element is present in the medium to excess its concentration in the tubule fluid is increased and the extent of its absorption in the rectum is decreased. 3. Under all conditions the concentration of potassium in the tubule fluid is greater than its concentration in the haemolymph, and the concentration of sodium is less. There is a circulation of potassium from haemolymph to tubule, to rectum or midgut and so back to haemolymph. 4. The composition of the haemolymph in respect of sodium and potassium is remarkably constant in the face of changes in the medium. 5. The volume of the larva appears to be regulated by a nervous mechanism. If the volume is increased peristaltic waves pass down the intestine more frequently and more fluid is voided through the anus.