A New Concept of the Development of theAnterior Chamber Angle

In a previous paper1we reported the identification of the embryotoxon corneae posterius, Axenfeld, or glassy-appearing membranes at the periphery of the posterior corneal surface, as the trabecular meshwork and the anterior border-ring of Schwalbe. In the cases available to us for complete study this identification was done through external and gonioscopic examination and by histologic diagnosis. Further assurance was gained by a careful histologic study of the chamber angle region of 600 eyes in our pathology collection. We also searched for new facts about the structure of the normal chamber angle to serve as basis for the interpretation of abnormal appearance in clinical cases. This led, in turn, to developmental and comparative anatomic investigation,* some of which will be reported here and some in a succeeding publication.2 A new concept of the manner in which the chamber angle develops formulated itself as evidence from the separate studies