Stable color-center laser in OH-doped NaCl operating in the 141- to 181-μm region

A powerful and stable color-center laser based on a perturbed F2+ center has been demonstrated in additively color NaCl:OH crystals. The OH impurity has been positively identified as the key dopant for creating the color-center laser in NaCl. The laser tunes smoothly over the 1.41- to 1.81 -μm region with a maximum cw power of color-center W when pumped by a 9-W cw Nd:YAG laser operating at 1.06 μm. Laser operation for periods of several weeks has been monitored with no observable fading in output power. In addition, mode-locked pulses of 5-psec duration been generated in a synchronously pumped arrangement, tunable from 1.47 to 1.73 μm with an average power have of 450 mW at the peak of the tuning curve.