Infrequency of Unsuspected Endometrial Tuberculosis

TUBERCULOSIS of the female genital organs is encountered far less frequently in the United States than in some other countries. This difference is reflected by the reported studies that involved actual searching for unsuspected endometrial tuberculosis. The woman who harbors such an occult tuberculous infection must be sought, for she is not ill, the diagnosis being eventually established by histologic or bacteriologic study of the endometrium. The past history is rarely indicative of prior tuberculosis; even "pleurisy" is misleading.1 Incidence The incidence of such quiescent endometrial disease as reported abroad stands in contrast to that of this country. The difference is especially evident among women who are sterile. Sutherland2found the incidence of unsuspected endometrial tuberculosis to be slightly more than 1% by histologic examination during a 7-year period at the Royal Samaritan Hospital for Women in Glasgow, Scotland; this represented 73 positive specimens of a total of