Strongly correlated electronic systems with one hole: Dynamical properties

The spectral functions of one hole in the t-J and one-band Hubbard models are calculated using exact diagonalization techniques on small lattices. Results for the t-Jz model are also presented. For the t-J model we found that there is a quasiparticle at the bottom of the hole spectrum with an energy well approximated by Eh=-3.17+2.83J0.73 (for 0.1≤J≤1.0, t=1) on a 4×4 lattice. The rest of the spectrum is not incoherent: We identified at least two other peaks following a similar power-law behavior with J. We speculate that the J dependence of the results can be explained by a model where the hole is trapped in a confining potential as in the Ising limit. The bandwidth of the hole is linear in J in the region 0.1≤J≤0.4 although a power-law behavior is not excluded. The spectral weight of the quasiparticle grows like J0.5 in the same region. We present new analytical results in the large J/t limit to understand the motion of the hole: In perturbation theory it can be shown that the momentum of the hole at large J/t is k=(π,π) changing to k=(π/2,π/2) at intermediate J/t in agreement with numerical and spin-waves results. We show analytically and numerically that the bandwidth of the quasiparticle is of order t in the large J/t limit. This result corresponds to a spin-liquid state. The one-hole spectral function of the Hubbard model is obtained for lattices with 8 and 10 sites. A quasiparticle is also observed in this case. The bandwidth and the relation with the t-J model are discussed and a comparison with recent Monte Carlo results is made. We also review and extend previous results for the ground-state properties of the t-J model.