Some Properties of a New Epithelial Cell Line of Human Origin2

A new human cell line (ME-180) was established from an omental metastasis of a rapidly spreading cervical carcinoma. The cell type was epithelial, as demonstrated by cytoplasmic tonofibrils and desmosomal attachments between the cells in monolayer cultures. Chromosomal number ranged from 48–130; fragmentation, dicentrics, and other chromosomal rearrangements characteristic of transformed cells were noted. Occasional marker chromosomes were seen but formed no stemline. ME-180 can be classified as heteroploid with a subtriploid mode and unstable karyotype. The sensitivity toward a number of viruses differed from that of He La cells studied simultaneously. ME-180 cells readily formed carrier cultures with some viruses, particularly with influenza and other myxoviruses.