NO3 Radical: “Soft” Lattice Preparation and Pure ESR Spectrum at 88°K

The NO3 radical is generated by the direct photolysis of ceric ammonium nitrate in aqueous nitric acid solutions. When produced in aqeuous HONO2–HOClO3 mixtures frozen to form a good glass or “soft” lattice at 88°K, the pure ESR spectrum of NO3 is uncomplicated by lattice distortions. Under these conditions we found the radical to be planar with true axial symmetry having the following computed parameters: g = 2.0041 ± 0.0003 , g⊥ = 2.0207 ± 0.0003 , and σ(12ΔHpp) = 5.16 Oe . Some problems of NO3 photochemistry are explained. The use of this technique to generate a variety of more stable free radicals is discussed. The first comparative evidence is given that radicals with nearly equal electron affinities, such as OH and NO3, nevertheless show unique and selective reactivity differences toward the same substrates.