Pediatric Applications of Augmentation Cystoplasty: The Johns Hopkins Experience

Since 1976, 23 children with bladder or cloacal exstrophy, meningomyelocele, sacral agenesis, the prune belly syndrome and noncompliant bladders associated with urethral valves or prior diversion underwent augmentation cystoplasty. Of these procedures 7 were combined with some type of urinary undiversion. Bowel segments used for agumentation included ileum alone in 10 patients, ileocecal segments in 4, a sigmoid patch in 8 and a hindgut patch in 1. An artificial urinary sphincter was placed at the time of bladder augmentation in 3 patients. There were no urinary fistulas or cases of urinary rediversion. Two patients required oral alkalizing agents as a result of persistent systemic acidosis. One patient required reoperation twice for ureteral obstruction, 1 had removal of the sphincter device secondary to erosion, 1 required reinforcement of the ileocecal valve owing to persistent reflux and 1 required reoperation for small bowel obstruction. Other complications included a superficial wound infection and 5 urinary tract infections, all of which were managed easily. Three patients were voiding and continent, 18 were dry with intermittent self-catheterization, 1 had giggle incontinence and 1 remained incontinent after sphincter removal. Augmentation cystoplasty appears to offer a reliable alternative to urinary diversion in the reconstructive management of children with small capacity bladders.