Compact routing schemes

We describe several compact routing schemes for general weighted undirected networks. Our schemes are simple and easy to implement. The routing tables stored at the nodes of the network are all very small. The headers attached to the routed messages, including the name of the destination, are extremely short. The routing decision at each node takes constant time. Yet, the stretch of these routing schemes, i.e., the worst ratio between the cost of the path on which a packet is routed and the cost of the cheapest path from source to destination, is a small constant. Our schemes achieve a near-optimal tradeoff between the size of the routing tables used and the resulting stretch. More specifically, we obtain:A routing scheme that uses only O (n 1/2) bits of memory at each node of an n-node network that has stretch 3. The space is optimal, up to logarithmic factors, in the sense that every routing scheme with stretch n2), and every routing scheme with stretch n3/2). The headers used are only (1 + &Ogr;(1)) log2 n-bits long and each routing decision takes constant time. A variant of this scheme with [log2 n] -bit headers makes routing decisions in &Ogr;(log log n) time.Also, for every integer k 2, a general handshaking based routing scheme that uses O (n1/k) bits of memory at each node that has stretch 2k - 1. A conjecture of Erdös from 1963, settled for k = 3, 5, implies that the routing tables are of near-optimal size relative to the stretch. The handshaking is similar in spirit to a DNS lookup in TCP/IP. Headers are &Ogr;(log2 n) bits long and each routing decision takes constant time. Without handshaking, the stretch of the scheme increases to 4k — 5. One ingredient used to obtain the routing schemes mentioned above, may be of independent practical and theoretical interest:A shortest path routing scheme for trees of arbitrary degree and diameter that assigns each vertex of an n-node tree a (1 + &Ogr;(1)) log2 n-bit label. Given the label of a source node and the label of a destination it is possible to compute, in constant time, the port number of the edge from the source that heads in the direction of the destination.The general scheme for k 2 also uses a clustering technique introduced recently by the authors. The clusters obtained using this technique induce a sparse and low stretch tree cover of the network. This essentially reduces routing in general networks into routing problems in trees that could be solved using the above technique.