On the risk performance of extended sequence compound rules for classification between N(–1, 1) and N(1, 1)†

Since Robbins (1951) first introduced the compound decision problem, there has evolved a large literature on the subject for the most part dealing with the construction of compound rules whose excess risk over the simple envelope is no greater than zero in the limit as the number N of component problems goes to infinity. Such rules have compound risk which is asymptotically subminimax. Johns (1967) has introduced more stringent (extended) envelopes and has proposed extended compound rules whose risks achieve these envelopes in the limit. This paper reports some Monte Carlo results on the compound risk behavior of selected unextended and extended rules for moderate N values and certain parameter sequences for Robbins original example. The results show that the extended rules compare favorably with the minimax rule and the unextended rules for moderate N and parameter sequences exhibiting higher order empirical dependencies, for example, those generated by a Markov process.