Corrections to scaling and crossover from good- to θ-solvent regimes of interacting polymers

We exploit known properties of universal ratios, involving the radius of gyration Rg , the second and third virial coefficients B2 and B3 , and the effective pair potential between the centers of mass of self-avoiding polymer chains with nearest-neighbor attraction, as well as Monte Carlo simulations, to investigate the crossover from good- to θ -solvent regimes of polymers of finite length L . The scaling limit and finite-L corrections to scaling are investigated in the good-solvent case and close to the θ temperature. Detailed interpolation formulas are derived from Monte Carlo data and results for the Edwards two-parameter model, providing estimates of universal ratios as functions of the observable ratio A2=B2Rg3 over the whole temperature range, from the θ point to the good-solvent regime. The convergence with L(L8000) is found to be satisfactory under good-solvent conditions, but longer chains would be required to match theoretical predictions near the θ point, due to logarithmic corrections. A quantitative estimate of the universal ratio A3=B3Rg6 as a function of temperature shows that the third virial coefficient remains positive throughout, and goes through a pronounced minimum at the θ temperature, which goes to zero as 1lnL in the scaling limit.