The efficiency of the cytobrush and cotton swab in obtaining endocervical cells in smears taken after conization of the cervix

In a randomised study of cervical smears after conization, the efficacy of the combined wooden spatula and cytobrush was compared with that of the combined wooden spatula and cotton swab. The conization technique involved a could knife and two Sturmdorf sutures. A total of 75 women participated, 57 had smears taken with both methods. Eigtheen with only one of the methods. Out of 66 taken with a wooden spatula and a cytobrush. 48 (72.7%) contained endocervical cells and 53 (80.3%) contained either endocervical or metaplastic cells. Out of 66 smears taken with a wooden spatula and a cotton swab, only 25 (37.9%) contained endocervical cells and 40 (60.6%) contained endocervical or metaplastic cells. Both differences were significant (PP<0.05, respectively). The combined use of a wooden spatula and cytobrush is recommended for cytological smears after conization.