Dietary Control of Alloxan Diabetes

Diabetes was produced in 6 of 8 rats by inj. of 16 mg./lOO g. body wt. of alloxan subcut. on 2 successive days. When a diet of 90% margarine and 10% casein was substituted for the normal diet, the glycosuria disappeared and remained absent until the normal diet was resumed. The abrupt change to high fat diet was accompanied by ketonuria, but if the change were gradual the glycosuria disappeared without ketonuria. The high fat diet as eaten provided 90% of the calories available from the normal diet, and maintained body wt. After successive periods of high fat diet the glycosuria seen on return to normal diet steadily diminished, being about 1/4 as severe during the 4th normal regime some 5-6 mos. after the beginning of the diabetic condition.

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