The property of a ruby high pressure sensor under uniaxial compressive stress.

A ruby pressure sensor, detecting hydrostatic pressure (up to 100 GPa) by the shift of ruby R1 R2 fluorescent wavelength, is compressed by uniaxial stress generated by diamond anvils with a lever-type loading apparatus. Two ruby plates, each having (112^-0) and (OOO1) crystal planes are loaded in order to investigate anisotropic sensitivity. The sensitivities for pure uniaxial stress are obtained from the experimental data and FEM analysis of the ruby. Obtained sensitivities for (112^-0) and for (OOO1) crystal planes are 0.141 7±0.002 O nm/GPa and 0.077 9±0.003 2 nm/GPa respectively in the R1 fluoresence line. These values are indispensable in studying the stress field of a pressure chamber ; and the utility of the ruby sensor will be expanded.