Electron Spin Resonance Study of Centers Formed in γ-Irradiated PbCl2 Crystals

An analisis is presented by utilizing the electron spin resonance spectra of new defects which are produced in PbCl2 single crystals irradiated at liquid nitrogen temperatures with γ-rays from a 60Co source. One of the g tensor axes of the defects corresponds to the crystallographic c-axis, and the other two make an angle of about 12° with the a- and b-axes. The components of the g-factor are g x =1.494±0.005, g y =1.322±0.005 and g z =1.662±0.005. The principal axes of the hyperfine coupling tensor A are collinear with neither the g tensor axes nor the crystallographic axes. The resolved hyperfine structure indicates that these defects fit a model of the paramagnetic centers consisting essentially of an electron trapped at paired lead ions, that is, the Pb2 3+ centers.